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Secure Site certificate benefits

In addition to 2048-bit encryption, DigiCert Secure Site certificates include other benefits, such as priority validation. These benefits are available during the life of your certificate order. When you renew your Secure Site certificate order, the benefits automatically apply to your new order.

Secure Site OV and EV certificates

Our Secure Site OV and EV certificates support all domain configurations, allowing you to order single-domain or multi-domain certificates with any combination of fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and wildcard SANs. To learn more about DigiCert Flex certificates, see our Flex certificates page.

More benefits

Most Secure Site benefits are available inside your CertCentral account on your Secure Site certificate's order details page.

  • Priority validation

    Secure Site orders are placed at the top of our validation queues so our agents can respond to these orders first.

  • Standard support

    Standard support provides you with access to our knowledge base, tools, and experienced technical staff through self-service, chat, and email contacts.

    To learn more about DigiCert's support plans, visit DigiCert Support: Enabling Your Success.

  • DigiCert smart seal

    Secure Site certificates come with the most recognized trust mark on the web, the DigiCert smart seal. Our dynamic site seal helps establish trust on your site, increasing engagement and conversions.

  • Vulnerability assessment

    Secure Site EV certificates include access to a vulnerability assessment service. This service allows you to find and act against the most exploitable weaknesses on your website. To learn more, see our Vulnerability assessment service page.

  • Malware check

    Secure Site certificates come with convenient access to a VirusTotal malware check. Quickly analyze your public domains with 70 plus antivirus scanners and URL/domain blocklist services. Use scan results to find malware threats to keep your site off blocklists that can hinder site availability and impact online revenue.

  • Industry-leading warranties.

    Secure Site certificates include warranties to protect you and your customers: a $1.75M Netsure Protection Warranty for your business and an industry-best $2M aggregate Relying Party Warranty for your customers.

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