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Download a TLS/SSL certificate from CertCentral

After DigiCert issues your TLS/SSL certificate, you can download it from CertCentral directly to the server with the matching private key where you generated the certificate signing request (CSR).

Note: When saving a certificate file, remember to note the location.

Download my TLS/SSL certificate from CertCentral

  1. On the server where you want to download the certificate, open a browser and sign in to CertCentral.

  2. In CertCentral, in the left menu, go to Certificates > Orders.

  3. On the Orders page, in the Order # column, select the order number of the certificate you want to download.

  4. In the Order # details page, on the Details tab, in the Download Certificate As menu, select the certificate format for your certificate file and download the certificate.

    • Best format for

      Download the certificate in the format recommended for the server platform or software selected when you ordered the certificate.

    • .crt (best for Apache/Linux)

      Download the certificate in a .crt format that is best for Apache/Linux platforms.

    • .p7b (best for Microsoft and Java)

      Download the certificate in a .p7b format that is best for Microsoft and Java platforms.

    • More Options

      See More certificate download options below.

More certificate download options

In the Download Certificate As menu, select More Options to find more certificate download options, such as additional server platform options, file type options, to download a combined file with the TLS certificate and its issuing intermediate CA (ICA) certificate, or individual certificate files: TLS, ICA, or Root CA.

Download a combined certificate file

In the Download Certificate window, under Combined Certificate Files, use these options to download a combined SSL/TLS and ICA certificate file.


  1. In the Server Platform menu, select the server on which you want to install the combined certificate file and then select Download.

  2. Save the file to your server/workstation.

File type-specific

  1. In the File Type menu, select the file format for the combined certificate file and then select Download.

  2. Save the file to your server or workstation.

Download an individual certificate file: server, intermediate, and root

In the Download Certificate window, under Individual Certificate Files, use these options to download an individual certificate file.

TLS/SSL certificate file

  1. Under Certificate, select the Download link.

  2. Save the TLS/SSL certificate file to your server or workstation.

Intermediate CA (ICA) certificate file

  1. Under Intermediate Certificate, select the Download link.

  2. Save the ICA certificate file to your server or workstation.

Root certificate file

  1. Under Root Certificate, select the Download link.

  2. Save the root certificate file to your server or workstation.

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