Go to Reporting & auditing > Report library to manage your custom reports in one of two ways:
Hover the report name in the table and select a management action to the right.
Select the report name to move to the details display, then select a management action on the right.
Management actions for custom reports:
Download: Save a copy of the latest report data.
Run now: Initiate a fresh run of the report.
Stop running this report: Stop a report from running.
Delete: Remove the report from your library.
Available management actions depend on the report status:
reports can be stopped or deleted.In Progress
reports can be stopped.Completed
reports can be downloaded, run now, or deleted.Failed
reports can be run now or deleted.
Each custom report remains in the report library for 30 days. To prevent a report from expiring, use the Run now function to initiate a fresh run of the report.