Trust Lifecycle Manager user roles
Assign one or more roles to a Trust Lifecycle Manager user when you add or update the user.
Account roles for standard and service users
The following user roles are available in your account:
Configure the self-service portal.
Read-only access to account data.
View and manage client tools.
View and manage reports.
Account setup and some day-to-day activities including inventory management and configuration of certificate profiles, integrations/connectors, admin contact details, and reports.
Recover escrowed certificates.
Import certificates from external CAs.
Manage seats, enrollments, certificates, and reports.
Create and manage certificate profiles.
System roles for on-premises administration
For on-premises customers, these roles are available for system administration.
Read-only access to account data for technical support purposes.
Read-only access to user and account setup data.
Superadmin responsible for managing Trust Lifecycle Manager users, accounts, and workflows.