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SAML SSO account users versus SAML SSO-only users

When adding SAML SSO-only users and account users, it's important to understand the differences in the processes.

SAML SSO account users

When you add an account user, this user will receive an email with instructions for completing their account setup and signing in. Account users can access both types of sign-ins, SSO or CertCentral, from the DigiCert account sign-in page.

SAML SSO-only Users

When you add a SAML SSO-only user, they will receive an email that contains the custom SSO URL used to sign in to their CertCentral account. They can also access the custom SSO URL from the DigiCert account sign-in page.

IdP initiated login URL

If you opt to use an IdP initiated login URL, you need to provide it to all your users.

If you want your users to only use your IdP initiated URL to sign in to their account, you'll need to instruct them not to use the one provided in the email that is sent to them. You'll also need to tell them to ignore the If you use SSO, click here to login link on the DigiCert account sign-in page.

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